Take Action
The beauty of automated account mapping is the volume of accounts and new opportunities that can be surfaced for you and your partners to get after. It can also be overwhelming. “I have thousands of matches, now what?” is not uncommon. Fortunately, you have everything you need to identify the BEST accounts to focus on and quickly action the next steps with co-sell workflows.
The most important thing to do post-account mapping is zero in on the most valuable and strategic accounts for your sales team or your partners to focus on. To do this, you need to start with narrowing down your target list and then get that list into the hands of the sellers and/or partner sellers.
To narrow down your target list, begin by considering existing sales plays, goals, sales strategies or priorities that your team needs to execute to hit their goals (e.x. new logos, expansions, up-sells, specific product refreshes, etc.). Of course, if you are working with a partner on a joint initiative, you’d take those details as well as your partner’s company’s goals into account.
With those in mind, begin narrowing down your list by applying relevant filters to the reports using the data brought into PartnerTap. Do you need to narrow accounts down to a specific territory? Propensity-to-buy? Existing products installed? All three? Any customer data that can be put into a column can be brought into PartnerTap increasing your ability to refine your target list of accounts to customers with the highest likelihood to purchase. For this reason, we highly encourage you and your partners to bring in as much customer and prospect data as possible.
Once you’ve narrowed down your target list to a manageable number of accounts, you’ll want to get those accounts out to your sellers and partners. There are multiple ways to do this.
Push into CRM
The first is to push the mapped data back into your CRM with our Salesforce managed package. This puts those invaluable partner details right inside each account detail page in Salesforce where your reps already work so they can see exactly who to reach out to to work with on an account. With that in place, you can then send the list of accounts to each rep on your team and let them get to work.
Send accounts to your sales reps
The next way to get the target list of accounts to your reps is by leveraging our Co-Sell Automation product to send this new action list of accounts, with all the relevant details, to your reps right from PartnerTap. Using our co-sell automation tool means you only have to get the list narrowed down, save it as an action list, select the “Send Lists” workflow, and hit send. PartnerTap will automatically distribute the accounts to the right seller across your team.
Introduce partners and sales reps to collaborate
To get those accounts over to partners and get their reps involved, you can use Co-Sell Automation to run automated introduction workflows. Similar to sending lists to reps, you can narrow down your list of accounts, save it as an action list, select the “Rep Introductions” workflow that allows one or both sides to opt-in to collaborate on these accounts. Once both parties are opted in, they will be automatically introduced so they can start collaborating and co-sell to their mutual accounts together (recipients of opt-ins and intro emails do not have to be on PartnerTap but we’d encourage them to be).