This is the second installment in our three-part series on scaling revenue-generating partnerships. You can find the first article, and the first challenge, in the series here. Universal Challenge #2: can’t co-sell without the right data, access, insights, and...
Two universal challenges to scaling revenue-generating partnerships (Part 1 of 3)
This is the first installment in our three-part series on scaling revenue-generating partnerships. Strategic partnerships can help source and accelerate sales deals, and also create a lock-in effect for joint customers that reduces long-term churn. But scaling a...
Drive More Revenue with Automated Account Mapping
According to a study by Forbes, on average, sales reps only spend 35% of their time selling. The other 65% is spent on everything else. That is way too much time spent doing other activities! Automated account mapping allows reps to uncover opportunities and get in...
Worried About a Dry Pipeline in January 2021? Make Sure You Do This.
Share Your Target Account Data Generously with Your Strategic Partners - Without Any Constrictions. We all know that feeling of having a dry pipeline - an increasing fear of uncertainty and failure stresses you out, which makes coming up with new ideas even more...